
  • Romain Aimino

  • Research Area

    Ergodic Theory, Probability Theory and Dynamical Systems

  • Institution

    University of Porto

  • PhD

    Institution: University of Toulon (France)
    Year: 2014

  • Main research publications

    • Deterministic walks in random environment (with C. Liverani) , Annals of Probability 48 (2020)
    • Recurrence statistics for the space of Interval Exchange maps and the Teichmüller flow on the space of translation surfaces (with M. Nicol, M. Todd) , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques 53 (2017)
    • Concentration inequalities for sequential dynamical systems of the unit interval (with J. Rousseau) , Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 36 (2016)
    • Annealed and quenched limit theorems for random expanding dynamical systems (with M. Nicol, S. Vaienti) , Probability Theory and Related Fields 162 (2015)
    • Polynomial loss of memory for maps of the interval with a neutral fixed point (with H. Hu, M. Nicol, A. Török, S. Vaienti) , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -A 35 (2015)

Research and Events


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Defended Theses

  • Contributions to regularity theory in the calculus of variations
      Vincenzo Bianca (July 2024)
      José Miguel Urbano
  • Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures
      Pedro Miguel Silva (April 2024)
      Peter Gothen
  • Some aspects of descent theory and applications
      Rui Rodrigues de Abreu Fernandes Prezado (January 2024)
      Maria Manuel Clementino
      Fernando Lucatelli Nunes
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