A new class of boundary kernels for distribution function estimation , Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 47 (2018)
A new test for multivariate normality by combining extreme and non-extreme BHEP tests , Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 46 (2017)
Fourier methods for smooth distribution function estimation (with J.E. Chacón, P. Monfort)
, Statistics & Probability Letters 84 (2014)
Exact and asymptotically optimal bandwidths for kernel estimation of density functionals (with J.E. Chacón)
, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 74 (2012)
An affine invariant multiple test procedure for assessing multivariate normality , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 55 (2011)
Research and Events
PhD Defense Rafael Henriques - Numerical methods for the robust reconstruction of elasticity Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Mathematical Building, Largo D. Dinis, Coimbra (14h30)