A complementarity-based partitioning and disjunctive cut algorithm for mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (with H. Sherali, I. Ribeiro, A. Faustino)
, Journal of Global Optimization 136 (2006)
The symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem (with C. Humes, M. Queiroz)
, Mathematics of Computation 73 (2004)
A study of preconditioners for network interior point methods (with J. Patrício, L. Portugal, M. Resende, G. Veiga)
, Computational Optimization and Applications 24 (2003)
An active-set Newton´s algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programs with box constraints (with F. Facchinei, J. Soares)
, SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 (1998)
A SLCP method for bilevel linear programming (with A. Faustino)
, Annals of Operations Research 34 (1992)
PhD Students
Maria Carmo Brás Mathematical Programming Problems with Linear Equilibrium Constraints and Applications
João Patrício Interior-Point Algorithms for Monotone Complementarity Problems and Applications
Pedro Lopes Tavares
co-supervision with Jorge Temido, 2007
Isabel Ribeiro Global Optimization and Application to Structural Engineering
co-supervision with Ana Faustino, 2005
Silvério Rosa ongoing
Luís Merca Fernandes Analysis of Complementarity Algorithms and Application to Equilibrium Problems
Marcelo Queiroz Three Problems in Complementarity and Mathematical Programming
co-supervision with Carlos Humes, 2001
Fernanda Marília Pires Monotone Linear Complementarity Problems
Ana Faustino Linear Complementarity Problems and Applications to Global Optimization
Research and Events
PhD Defense Rafael Henriques - Numerical methods for the robust reconstruction of elasticity Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, Mathematical Building, Largo D. Dinis, Coimbra (14h30)