
  • Joana Margarida Nunes da Costa

  • Research Area

    Poisson Geometry

  • Institution

    University of Coimbra

  • PhD

    Institution: University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
    Year: 1991

  • Main research publications

    • Split Courant algebroids as L-infinity structures (with P. Antunes) , J. Geom. and Phys. 155 (2020)
    • Nijenhuis forms on Lie-infinity algebras associated to Lie algebroids (with M. Azimi, C. Laurent- Gengoux) , Commun. in Algebra 46 (2018)
    • Hierarchies and compatibility on Courant algebroids (with P. Antunes and C. Laurent-Gengoux) , Pacific J. Math. 261 (2013)
    • Jacobi-Nijenhuis Lie algebroids and their modular classes (with R. Caseiro) , J. Phys. A: Math.Theor. 40 (2007)
    • On quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids (with Fani Petalidou) , Lett. Math. Phys. 80 (2007)
  • PhD Students

    • Mohammad Jawad Azimi Higher structures: gerbes and Nijenhuis forms co-supervision with Camille Laurent-Gengoux, 2013
    • Patrícia Sofia Simões Santos Lie algebroids: Reduction, deformation and study of Lagrangian non-holonomic systems co-supervision with F. Cariñena, 2006
    • Raquel Susana Giraldes Caseiro Quantum and classical integrability: an algebraic approach co-supervision with J.P. Françoise, 2003

Research and Events


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Defended Theses

  • Contributions to regularity theory in the calculus of variations
      Vincenzo Bianca (July 2024)
      José Miguel Urbano
  • Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures
      Pedro Miguel Silva (April 2024)
      Peter Gothen
  • Some aspects of descent theory and applications
      Rui Rodrigues de Abreu Fernandes Prezado (January 2024)
      Maria Manuel Clementino
      Fernando Lucatelli Nunes
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