
  • Maria Manuel Clementino

  • Research Area

    Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology

  • Institution

    University of Coimbra

  • PhD

    Institution: University of Coimbra
    Year: 1992

  • Main research publications

    • Lax orthogonal factorisation systems (with Ignacio Lopez Franco) , Adv. Math. 302 (2016)
    • Lawvere completeness in topology (with Dirk Hofmann) , Applied Categ. Struct. 17 (2009)
    • Topological semi-abelian algebras (with Francis Borceux) , Advances in Mathematics 190 (2005)
    • Metric, Topology and Multicategory - A Common Approach (with Walter Tholen) , Journal Pure Appl. Algebra 179 (2003)
    • Topology in a Category: Compactness (with Eraldo Giuli, Walter Tholen) , Portugaliae Mathematica 53 (1996)
  • PhD Students

    • Carlos Fitas ongoing
    • Rui Prezado co-supervision with Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, ongoing
    • Fernando Lucatelli Nunes Pseudomonads and Descent 2018
    • Leonardo Larizza ongoing
    • Pier Giorgio Basile  2017
    • Willian Ribeiro ongoing
    • Diana Rodelo Directions for the Long Cohomology Sequence co-supervision with Dominique Bourn, 2005
    • Gonçalo Gutierres The Axiom of Countable Choice in Topology co-supervision with Horst Herrlich, 2004
  • Adittional information

    [2016- ] Editor-in-Chief, Applied Categorical Structures, Springer

    [2014- ] President of the Portuguese Committee for Mathematics

    [2014- ] Member of the Editorial Board of Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Diff Catégoriques

    [2007- ] Member of the Steering Committee on Category Theory

    [2011-19] Director of CMUC, the Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra

    [2007-19] Principal Investigator of the Group of Algebra, Logic and Topology, CMUC

    [2012-15] Principal Investigator of the Project Categorical Methods in Non-Abelian Algebra, FCT

    [2005-09] Associate Dean, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra

    [2001-16] Member of the Editorial Board of Applied Categorical Structures, Springer

Research and Events


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Defended Theses

  • Contributions to regularity theory in the calculus of variations
      Vincenzo Bianca (July 2024)
      José Miguel Urbano
  • Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures
      Pedro Miguel Silva (April 2024)
      Peter Gothen
  • Some aspects of descent theory and applications
      Rui Rodrigues de Abreu Fernandes Prezado (January 2024)
      Maria Manuel Clementino
      Fernando Lucatelli Nunes
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