
  • Sofia Castro

  • Research Area

    Bifurcation; Symmetry; Singularities; Economics

  • Institution

    University of Porto

  • PhD

    Institution: University of Warwick, UK
    Year: 1993

  • Main research publications

    • Global Dynamics for Symmetric Planar Maps (with B. Alarcón and I.S. Labouriau) , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - series A 33 (2013)
    • The Discrete Markus-Yamabe Conjecture for symmetric planar polynomial maps (with B. Alarcón and I.S. Labouriau) , Indagationes Mathematicae 23 (2012)
    • The core-periphery model with three regions and more (with J. Correia-da-Silva and P. Mossay) , Papers in Regional Science 91 (2012)
    • Chaotic switching in a two-person game (with M.A.D. Aguiar ) , Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239 (2010)
    • Direct Perturbations of Aggregate Excess Demand (with S. Dakhlia and P.B. Gothen) , Journal of Mathematical Economics 46 (2010)
  • PhD Students

    • Liliana Sofia Garrido da Silva ongoing
    • José Gaspar co-supervision with João Correia da Silva, ongoing
    • Juliane Oliveira co-supervision with Isabel S. Labouriau, ongoing
    • Vasco L. C. G. Leite Essays on New Economic Geography co-supervision with João Correia da Silva, 2010
    • António Marques Three essays on the interaction among exit, sunk costs and entry decisions by the firms 2005
    • Manuela A.D. Aguiar Vector fields with heteroclinic networks 2003
    • Stella M.C. Abreu Redução do espaço de fase em campos de vectores simétricos 2000

Research and Events


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Defended Theses

  • Contributions to regularity theory in the calculus of variations
      Vincenzo Bianca (July 2024)
      José Miguel Urbano
  • Higgs Bundles and Geometric Structures
      Pedro Miguel Silva (April 2024)
      Peter Gothen
  • Some aspects of descent theory and applications
      Rui Rodrigues de Abreu Fernandes Prezado (January 2024)
      Maria Manuel Clementino
      Fernando Lucatelli Nunes
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