Applied Mathematics
University of Coimbra
Institution: University of Coimbra
Year: 2003
Project participation:
* MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising (P2020 SAICTPAC/0011/2015) - Coordinator for project implementation at CMUC, jan/2017 - jan/2021
* SGP-GIMS - SmartGeo Portal "Geographic Information Management System" (QREN 34164 - SGP-GIMS) - Principal Investigator, set/2013 - jun/2015
* Advanced Dynamic Indoor Localization System (QREN 34080 - ADINLOC) - Team member, jul/2013 - jul/2015
* In pursuit of increasingly accurate molecular potentials and dynamics (PTDC/QUI-QUI/099744/2008) - Team member, mar/2010 - mar/2013
* MOSAL - Multi-objective Sequence Alignment (PTDC/EIA-CCO/098674/2008) - Team member, Jan/2010 – Dec/2012